Aberdeen Angus (Black and Red)
- Taste
- Tenderness
- Intramuscular Fat and Marbling
- Fertility
- Doability
- Ease of Calving
- Fast Growth Rates
- Adaptability
Wagyu (Black and Red)
- Intramuscular Fat
- Meat and Fat Colour
- Tenderness
- Taste
- Adaptability
- Fertility
- Ease of Calving
Murray Grey
- Taste
- Tenderness
- Intramuscular Fat and Marbling
- Fertility
- Doability
- Ease of Calving
- Fast Growth Rates
- Award-winning Carcass
- Adaptability
- Hybrid Vigour when crossed with Brahman (= “Greyman”)
Polled Hereford
- Taste
- Tenderness
- Intramuscular Fat and Marbling
- Fertility
- Doability
- Ease of Calving
- Fast Growth Rates
- Adaptability
- Taste
- Tenderness
- Tropically Adapted
- Disease Resistant
- Heat Tolerant & Productive in Heat
- Fertility
- Doability
- Ease of Calving
- Fast Growth Rates
- Adaptability
- Taste
- Tenderness
- Tropically Adapted
- Disease Resistant
- Heat Tolerant & Productive in Heat
- Fertility
- Doability
- Ease of Calving
- Fast Growth Rates
- Adaptability
- Dual Purpose
- Average 21 litres of milk per day on less grain than Holstein, Jersey, Brown Swiss